Mandatory Disclosure |

Established in 1956, GIPT Mumbai is an academically autonomous institute of Government of Maharashtra. It conducts a 3 year full time Diploma Programme in Printing Technology. GIPT Mumbai is a non-profit educational organization. Current intake is 120 per year.
1) AICTE Permanent ID 1-504899711
2) DTE code 3006
3) MSBTE code 0403, 1569
4) National Digital Library of India (NDLI) Club Registration ID INMHNC4TOZJ2YUH
5) NSDL Database Management Limited (NDML) unique AI code 30169
6) AISHE code S-1780
7) Life member of Indian Society of Technical Education
8) Academic activities of the institute are supported by All India Federation of Master Printers, Bombay Masters Printers Association, Mumbai Mudrak Sangh, Maharashtra Mudran Parishad
9) Under CSR activities, Thyssenkrupp India Solutions (tKIS) and Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim have donated software, computers, digital printer to develop Digital Printing Laboratory. Esko Graphics India Pvt Ltd has donated Packaging Software suite. BMPA has donated equipment in Materials Testing Laboratory.
10) Member of reputed international organisations -
WPO- World Packaging Organisation, Austria
GWG - Ghent Workgroup, Belgium
FTA - Flexographic Technical Association, USA
CIP4 - International Cooperation for Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press, and Postpress, Switzerland
AIMCAL - Association of International Metalizzers, Coaters and Laminators, USA
ICC - International Color Consortium, USA
FINAT - The European association for the self-adhesive label industry
FPA – Flexible Packaging Association, USA
IoPP – Institute of Packaging Professionals, USA
What they think -Industry data and analysis reports
BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards
ERA - European Rotogravure Association, USA
PDFA - PDF Association, USA
***Feedback facility for students and faculty is available on AICTE portal
© 2008 www.gipt.ac.in All
rights reserved. Maintain by: GIPT, Mumbai | Support : SYSCom : www.syscom.co.in |
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