Offset is still the leading technology of all the printing
processes. This course will impart an extensive knowledge of all
the elements of image carrier making for the offset process. Imposition
schemes, image assembly, various methods of plate making &
their proper application, study of useful characteristics of metals,
various quality control aids, etc. are the main elements of this
course which will enable the student to handle all the necessary
operations related to the image carrier.
No 1: Brief History of Image Carrier.
Marks |
Hours |
1.1 |
Senefelder’s invention, development of image carrier
from litho stone to plate.
Nil |
2 |
No 2: Imposition Schemes.
Marks |
Hours |
2.1 |
Definition, page characteristics- portrait and landscape.
2 |
2.2 |
Variation in imposition schemes according to binding
2 |
2 |
2.3 |
Terms related with imposition schemes- gripper margin,
folding margin, gutter margin, cutting marks, centerline,
plate clamping allowance and binder’s marks. Paste-up
materials- goldenrod paper, astrolon sheet, plastic grid.
3 |
2 |
2.4 |
Need of using positive working plates and negative working
plates and their applications.
3 |
2 |
No 2: Imposition Schemes.
Marks |
Hours |
1 |
Single page layout.
-- |
-- |
2 |
4-page half sheet work.
-- |
-- |
3 |
8-page sheet work, 8-page half sheet work and turn.
-- |
-- |
4 |
Packaging application
-- |
-- |
5 |
8-page half sheet work and tumble.
-- |
-- |
6 |
16-page full sheet work.
-- |
-- |
7 |
4-page half sheet work and twist.
-- |
-- |
8 |
Positive working paste-up.
-- |
-- |
9 |
Negative working paste-up.
-- |
-- |
No 3: Environment.
Marks |
Hours |
3.1 |
Room layout, lighting, ventilation, flooring, air conditioning,
temperature and humidity, coloring, waste disposal
5 |
3 |
No 3: Environment.
Industrial visits.
-- |
-- |
No 4: Storage.
Marks |
Hours |
4.1 |
Storing methods, equipments, care and precaution, dark
reaction, shelf life and pot life.
5 |
3 |
No 5: Equipments and plate-making materials.
Marks |
Hours |
5.1 |
Whirler, printing down frame, plate processor, step and
repeat machine, Baume hydrometer, Graining
6 |
5 |
5.2 |
Light sources- sunlight, metal-halide, carbon arc, mercury
vapor, pulsed xenon, laser beam, quartz.
4 |
5 |
5.3 |
Detail study of aluminium, zinc, copper, chromium and
stainless steel.
6 |
4 |
No 6: Different Types of Plates.
Marks |
Hours |
6.1 |
Negative working-wipe-on, pre-sensitized plates.
6 |
3 |
6.2 |
Chemistry involved in making coating- sensitizer, developer,
6 |
3 |
6.3 |
Deep-etch plates and chemicals- gum deep-etch and water
deep-etch. Defects and remedies of each type.
10 |
6 |
6.4 |
Positive P.S. plates- method, care and pollution control.
Study of bi-metal and multi-metal plates.
10 |
6 |
No 6: Different Types of Plates.
-- |
-- |
6.1 |
Preparation of plate by-
P.S. positive,
P.S. negative,
Gum deep-etch,
Water deep-etch.
-- |
-- |
6.2 |
For P.S. plates-
Study of variation of exposure on dot formation and processing
time- under and over exposed and correctly exposed on
the plate by half tone positive.
-- |
-- |
6.3 |
Demonstration of variation in coating thickness and results
on gum deep- etch plates.
-- |
-- |
6.4 |
Study of positive, screen angle and squaring-up of positive.
-- |
-- |
No 7: Quality Control.
Marks |
Hours |
7.1 |
Importance of pH scale, star target, slur mark, continuous
tone step wedge guide, single strip quality control guide,
graduated half tone sensitivity guide
12 |
6 |